Excel for HR
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İnsan resurları əməkdaşları üçün Excel

Təlimdə kimlər iştirak edə bilər: istənilən şəxs
Təlimin davam etmə müddəti: 12 saat, 8 dərs
Təlimin keçirilmə üslubu: ofis rejimi və ya online
Tədris dili: Azərbaycan dili

Təlimin qiyməti:
OFİS və ONLİNE - 170 AZN (vergi daxil)

Ödənişə daxildir:
1) Digital Sertifikat - ACTD, ISO 9001-2015; ISO 29993-2017 loqosu ilə 
2) Təlim materialları
3) Video recording (online olduqda)
4) Coffee break (ofis olduqda)

Module 1: Introduction to Excel for HR
- Overview of Microsoft Excel
- Introduction to the Excel interface
- Basic navigation and customization
- Excel Basics
- Cells, rows, and columns
- Data entry and formatting

Module 2: Essential Excel Functions for HR
- Formulas and Functions
- Understanding basic formulas (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT)
- Using logical functions (IF, AND, OR) in HR scenarios
- Data Validation
- Ensuring data accuracy and consistency
- Setting up dropdown lists for HR data entry

Module 3: Data Management for HR
- Sorting and Filtering Data
- Sorting employee data by various criteria
- Using filters to analyze HR data
- Managing HR Databases
- Creating and maintaining employee databases
- Tips for efficient data management

Module 4: Data Analysis and Reporting for HR
- PivotTables for HR Analysis
- Analyzing HR data dynamically
- Creating insightful HR reports
- Charts and Graphs
- Visualizing HR data with charts
- Creating HR dashboards for better insights

Module 5: HR Planning and Tracking with Excel
- Goal Setting and Tracking
- Setting SMART goals for HR functions
- Tracking HR metrics using Excel
- Budgeting and Resource Planning
- Creating HR budgets in Excel
- Resource allocation and planning

Module 6: Advanced Excel Techniques for HR Professionals
- Advanced Formulas
- Understanding and creating nested functions
- Practical examples for complex calculations
- Text manipulation functions for HR data

Module 7: Advanced Formulas and Functions
- Lookup and Reference Functions
- Using named ranges for efficient referencing
- Text and Date Functions
- Formatting and manipulating text and date values

Module 8: Collaboration and Data Security
- Sharing and Collaborating on Excel Files
- Sharing HR reports with colleagues
- Collaborative editing and comments
- Data Security Best Practices
- Protecting sensitive HR information
- Implementing password protection and encryption

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